Sunday, January 10, 2010

Two Recent Reviews For The Real Messiah Emailed to Me This Weekend

I normally don't publish feedback from my book from readers but since these two emails came within a few minutes of each other I figured they deserved special mention.

Review #1

Just finished your book...thank you!


I got your book out of the library yesterday and just finished it.

Your research has confirmed my suspicions. Thanks for cogently piecing together all the pertinent primary sources so that a reasonable assessment can be made of the origins of Christianity.

Your theories make the most sense that I have read thus far. I know. I take the time to read the source documents and take notes. That's why I read your book. You have been able to take the puzzle pieces of Moses, Plato, Philo, Qumran, Alexandrian and Roman characters, both real and imaginary and solve the most intriguing puzzle. Your tee-pee analogy is really right on.

Your book has given me a new context to go back and read Philo. I'm almost through the Memar Marqah but took a breather to read your book. I'm glad I did.

I appreciate the excellent spirit with which you handled these sensitive topics in your book. It's give your detractors one less stone to throw back at your arguments.


Review #2

I am in the midst of reading your book *The Real Messiah* now and am about half-way through. It is in accord with much of my researches, but takes a different slant and adds a new angle to the mix that may prove very useful to the process of religious convergence that can prove to be very helpful to the Middle Eastern and world peace process. *Holy Blood, Holly Grail *and its novelized derivative *The DaVinci Code *may have opened up some minds to a different conception at least of Yeshua as the Messiah, but still left some doubt as to whether a Jewish *maschiach *is a human or a divine being, whether there is one God or a few. From the standpoint of psychological unity and focus, there can only one answer to that.

I want to establish initial contact and offer you my encouragement. It send you a detailed review and commentary when it is ready.

There is a notice in your From Messiah to Pariah blog soliciting academic reviews of "Against Polycarp" and offering "a free copy". Is this another book? Or does it refer to some of your material on the net?

You were very bold and brave to offer your book up to a critical and suspicious world. At least in the Western world. people have been conditioned towards accepting other stories by means of books, articles, films, religious liturgies, greeting cards and the like. So you are going against familiar material for so many people, though others are obviously more open to "new" thoughts and visceral experiences. Having studied organizational development for for decsades, I know it It will take time for acceptance of a new *muthos* and a new *logos*, but this does not mean that it cannot be done.

Dietz Ziechmann,

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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