Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Here's What We Need to Do to Prove Mar Saba 65 was Written by Callinicus III (IV)

I am useless with computers but I have done a stroke by stroke comparison of the handwriting in the two documents and am certain that the comparison shows that Callinicus is the likely author of Mar Saba 65. Now what we need to do is have someone - maybe me - compare let's say the last document in the folder listed as 'Επιστολαί τινες προς φίλους Καλλινίκου πατριάρχου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως' in the collection at the Greek public library system with the handwriting of Mar Saba 65. I guarantee you there is enough there to prove authenticity. I have even contacted a Greek handwriting expert to prepare to go the library to examine the documents there.

Yet for the moment, looking at Tselikas's palaeolographic observations 1 and with my very preliminary scan I can see that:

  • the alpha in all its variations in Mar Saba are present in the document
  • the beta is the same
  • I see the same gamma on its own and the way it links with vowels is very similar
  • just trying to find a δη (found it - looks good). Now let's take a look at δο (found). I found δώ and it matches Mar Saba 65. I feel pretty confident with this letter.  Found δι
  • Epsilon looks similar.  Don't have time to go through all the permutations just yet
  • on to the zeta ...

(updating this as I go through the analysis)

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.