Sunday, November 6, 2011

Clement's Witness of the Concluding Words of Galatians (= the Letter to the Alexandrians)

the End of the Epistle to the Galatians

5.1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.

3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law.

4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

5 We, then, wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.

6 For in Christ neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith which works by love

7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?

8 That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you.

9 “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”

10 I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty.

11 Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished.

12 As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!

13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

16 But I say, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.

17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. These, then, are contrary so that you cannot do the things that you would.

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are, fornication uncleanness, profligacy, 

20 idolatry, witchcrafts, enmities, strifes, jealousies, wrath, contentions, dissensions, heresies, 

21 envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like of which I tell you before, as I have also said before, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, temperance, goodness, faith

23 meekness. Against such things there is no law.

24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

25 If we live by the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit.

26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

6.1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.

2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

3 If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.

4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else,

5 for each one should carry their own load.

6 Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.

7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

8 He that sows to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting

9 Be not deceived; God is not mocked. Let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due time we shall reap, if we faint not

10 As, then, we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to the household of faith.

11 See what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand!

12 Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ.

13 Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh.

14 For the world is crucified to me, and I to the world, and now I live, though in the flesh, as having my conversation in heaven

15 No one in Christ is bond or free, or Greek or Jew. For the creation in Christ Jesus is new, is equality, free of strife— not grasping— just .

16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule—to the Israel of God.

17 From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen.

Relevant Ante-Nicene Patristic References

Galatians 5, 1 Oracula Sibyllina GEFFCKEN J., GCS 8 (1902). 8 (p.163, l.326) BP1

Gal 5.1 Tertullianus De praescriptionibus aduersus haereses omnes REFOULE R.F., CCL 1 (1954), 187-224. 33 § 4 (p.214, l.8) BP1 Gal 5.1 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 9 (p.673, l.3) BP1; 5 4 § 10 (p.674, l.12) BP1

Gal 5.1 Tertullianus De pudicitia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1281-1330. 12 § 7 (p.1303, l.23) BP1; 20 § 13 (p.1325, l.73) BP1 \

Gal 5.1 Origenes In Exodum homiliae XIII (latine Rufino interprete) 2nd � BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 145-279. 3 3 (p.170, l.7 - <) BP3

Gal 5.1 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 7 2 (p.72, l.10) BP3

Gal 5.1 Origenes In librum Iudicum homiliae IX (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 464-522. 9 2 (p.520, l.18 - <) BP3

Gal 5.1 Origenes Origenes Libri X in Canticum canticorum BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 33 (1925), LIII (page indiquée en chiffre arabe dans l'Index) ; 61-241 (y compris le fragment grec). 2 (p.131, l.5 - < /) BP3

Gal 5.1 Hippolytus Romanus (Ps.) In sanctum pascha NAUTIN P., SC 27 (1950). 42 (p.163, l.13) BP2; 44 (p.165, l.2) BP2

Galatians 5, 2 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 6 3 (p.364, l.13 - <) BP3; 8 3 (p.399, l.3) BP3

Gal 5.2 Origenes Contra Celsum BORRET M., SC 132 (1967) : livres 1-2 ; SC 136 (1968) : livres 3-4 ; SC 147 (1969) : livres 5-6 ; SC 150 ( 1969 ) : livres 7-8. 1 22 (p.130, l.16) BP3; 5 48 (p.140, l.33 - <) BP3

Galatians 5, 3 Hippolytus Romanus (?) Refutatio omnium haeresium WENDLAND P., GCS 26 (1916). 8 18 § 2 (p.237, l.23 - *< )) BP2

Gal 5.3 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 8 3 (p.399, l.5) BP3; 10 2 (p.442, l.13) BP3

Gal 5.3 Methodius Olympius BONWETSCH G.N., GCS 27 (1917), 427-447. 10 § 4 (p.440, l.12 - <) BP2

Galatians 5, 4 Origenes (?) Fragmenta e catenis in Psalmos A PG 17 (1857), passim 105-149. (p.144 - <) BP3

Gal 5.4 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 8 3 (p.399, l.5) BP3

Galatians 5, 5 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 2 136 § 1 (p.188, l.5) BP1

Gal 5.5 Tertullianus De resurrectione mortuorum BORLEFFS J.G.Ph., CCL 2 (1954), 921-1012. 23 § 7 (p.950, l.26) BP1; 53 § 18 (p.1000, l.71) BP1

Galatians 5, 6 Epistula Iacobi apocrypha MALININE M. et alii, Epistula Iacobi apocrypha, Zürich - Stuttgart 1968, 3-33. (p.17, l.11) BP1

Gal 5.6 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 1 4 § 1 (p.4, l.25) BP1; 2 136 § 1 (p.188, l.5) BP1

Gal 5.6 Tertullianus De praescriptionibus aduersus haereses omnes REFOULE R.F., CCL 1 (1954), 187-224. 33 § 4 (p.214, l.8) BP1 Gal 5.6 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 10 (p.674, l.17) BP1; 5 4 § 11 (p.674, l.23) BP1

Gal 5.6 Origenes Contra Celsum BORRET M., SC 132 (1967) : livres 1-2 ; SC 136 (1968) : livres 3-4 ; SC 147 (1969) : livres 5-6 ; SC 150 ( 1969 ) : livres 7-8. 1 22 (p.130, l.16) BP3

Galatians 5, 7 Tertullianus De praescriptionibus aduersus haereses omnes REFOULE R.F., CCL 1 (1954), 187-224. 27 § 3 (p.208, l.8) BP1

Gal 5.7 Origenes In Iesu Nave homiliae XXVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 286-463. 14 2 (p.380, l.16 - <) BP3

Galatians 5, 8 Origenes De principiis CROUZEL H., SIMONETTI M., SC 252 (1978) : livres 1 et 2 ; SC 268 (1980) : livres 3 et 4. 3 1 § 7 (p.46, l.184 - <) BP3

Gal 5.8 Origenes Contra Celsum BORRET M., SC 132 (1967) : livres 1-2 ; SC 136 (1968) : livres 3-4 ; SC 147 (1969) : livres 5-6 ; SC 150 ( 1969 ) : livres 7-8. 6 57 (p.322, l.29 - <) BP3

Galatians 5, 9 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Epistulam primam ad Corinthios JENKIN C., Origen on 1 Corinthians, Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908), 232-247 ; 353-372 ; 500-514. 26 (p.366, l.15 - < /) BP3

Gal 5.9 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Ieremiam KLOSTERMANN E., GCS 6 (1901), 165 ; 199-230,16 ; 230,22-232. (p.229, l.28) BP3

Gal 5.9 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 1 § 34 (p.11, l.7 - < >) BP3

Galatians 5, 10 Adamantius De recta in Deum fide VAN DE SANDE BAKHUYZEN W.H., GCS 4 (1901). (p.66, l.25 - <) BP2; (p.88, l.5 - <) BP2

Gal 5.10 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 12 (p.674, l.1) BP1

Gal 5.10 Tertullianus De pudicitia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1281-1330. 1 § 13 (p.1282, l.55) BP1 

Galatians 5, 11 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Epistulam primam ad Corinthios JENKINS C., Origen on 1 Corinthians, Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908), 232-247 ; 353-372 ; 500-514. 6 (p.235, l.2 - /) BP3

Galatians 5, 12 Tertullianus De anima WASZINK J.H., CCL 2 (1954), 781-869. 16 § 6 (p.803, l.39) BP1

Gal 5.12 Tertullianus De pudicitia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1281-1330. 1 § 13 (p.1282, l.55) BP1 

Galatians 5, 13 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 3 41 § 3 (p.214, l.28) BP1

Gal 5.13 Origenes Commentarii in Ephesios (Fragmenta e catenis) GREGG J.A.F., The commentary of Origen upon the epistle to the Ephesians, Journal of Theological Studies 3 (1902), 234-244 ; 398-420 ; 554-576. 29 (p.566, l.28 - <) BP3

Gal 5.13 Fragmenta in diversos Psalmos in catenis PG 12 (1862), passim 1085-1637. (p.1113) BP3 Gal

5.13 Origenes In Exodum homiliae XIII (latine Rufino interprete) 2nd � BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 145-279. 12 4 (p.268, l.18 - < >) BP3

Galatians 5, 14 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 12 (p.674, l.6) BP1; 5 4 § 13 (p.674, l.13) BP1; 5 4 § 13 (p.675, l.17) BP1

Galatians 5, 15 Passio Pionii GEBHARDT O. von, Acta Martyrum selecta..., Berlin 1902, 96-114. 12 § 15 (p.106, l.19) BP1 Gal 5.15 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 20 § 347 (p.378, l.27 - <) BP3

Gal 5.15 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri X-XVII KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 40 (1935). 14 1 (p.276, l.10) BP3

Gallatians 5, 16 For I would have you know, says the apostle, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man: for the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. For neither is the woman without the man, nor the man without the woman, in the Lord. For as we say that the man ought to be continent, and superior to pleasures; so also we reckon that the woman should be continent and practiced in fighting against pleasures. But I say, Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh, counsels the apostolic command; for the flesh lusts against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. These, then, are contrary (not as good to evil, but as fighting advantageously), he adds therefore, so that you cannot do the things that you would. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are, fornication uncleanness, profligacy, idolatry, witchcrafts, enmities, strifes, jealousies, wrath, contentions, dissensions, heresies, envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I tell you before, as I have also said before, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, temperance, goodness, faith, meekness. He calls sinners, as I think, flesh, and the righteous spirit. Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 4 60 § 4 (p.276, l.1) BP1 Gal 5.16 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Epistulam primam ad Corinthios JENKINS C., Origen on 1 Corinthians, Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908), 232-247 ; 353-372 ; 500-514. 35 (p.503, l.12 - /) BP3

Gal 5.16 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 13 § 109 (p.242, l.13) BP3

Gal 5.16 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 9 9 (p.436, l.22 - >) BP3

Galatians 5, 17 Epistula ad Diognetum FUNK F.X., BIHLMEYER K., Die apostolischen Väter, Neubearbeitung der Funkschen Ausgabe, 2e éd., Tübingen 1956, 141-149. 6 § 5 (p.144, l.29) BP1

Gal 5.17 Iustinus gnosticus Liber Baruch VOELKER W., Quellen zur Geschichte der christlichen Gnosis, Tübingen 1932, 27-33. (p.31, l.1) BP1

Gal 5.17 Clemens Alexandrinus STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 4 60 § 4 (p.276, l.1) BP1; 6 134 § 1 (p.499, l.30) BP1 6 136 § 2 (p.500, l.29) BP1; 7 79 § 6 (p.57, l.2) BP1

Gal 5.17 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De centesima sexagesima trigesima REITZENSTEIN R., Eine früchristliche Schrift von der dreierlei Früchten des christlichen Lebens, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 15 (1914), 74-88. § 17 (p.79, l.150) BP2

Gal 5.17 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De singularitate clericorum HARTEL G., CSEL 3,3 (1871), 173-220. 9 (p.183, l.26 - < )) BP2

Gal 5.17 Origenes (?) Fragmenta e catenis in Matthaeum KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 41,1 (1941), passim 14-234. 128 (p.66, l.4) BP3; 214 (p.102, l.4) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Prouerbia B PITRA J.B., Analecta sacra, 3, Venetiis 1883, 522 ; 525,1-16 ; 525,28-527,7. (p.525, l.5) BP3

Gal 5.17 Tertullianus De resurrectione mortuorum BORLEFFS J.G.Ph., CCL 2 (1954), 921-1012. 10 § 3 (p.933, l.11) BP1

Gal 5.17 Tertullianus De monogamia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1229-1253. 1 § 3 (p.1229, l.20) BP1

Gal 5.17 Hippolytus Romanus (?) Refutatio omnium haeresium WENDLAND P., GCS 26 (1916). 5 26 § 25 (p.130, l.24 - *) BP2

Gal 5.17 Origenes Commentarii in Ephesios (Fragmenta e catenis GREGG J.A.F., The commentary of Origen upon the epistle to the Ephesians, Journal of Theological Studies 3 (1902), 234-244 ; 398-420 ; 554-576. 9 (p.404, l.211 - <) BP3 33 (p.571, l.32 - >) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Epistulam primam ad Corinthios JENKINS C., Origen on 1 Corinthians, Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908), 232-247 ; 353-372 ; 500-514. 19 (p.358, l.53 - <) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Iesu Naue BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 290-291 ; 293 ; 298-302 ; 305 ; 308 ; 310 ; 312 ; 394-398 ; 406-414 ; 420-445 ; 448-456 ; 460-463 ; 621. (p.434, l.23) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Fragmenta in Lamentationes in catenis KLOSTERMANN E., GCS 6 (1901), 235-278. (p.248, l.14) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes De principiis CROUZEL H., SIMONETTI M., SC 252 (1978) : livres 1 et 2 ; SC 268 (1980) : livres 3 et 4. 3 2 § 3 (p.162, l.157 - <) BP3 3 4 § 2 (p.202, l.47 - *<) BP3 3 4 § 2 (p.204, l.96 - *< )) BP3 3 4 § 2 (p.206, l.120 - <) BP3 3 4 § 3 (p.208, l.137) BP3 3 4 § 4 (p.210, l.190 - *< )) BP3 3 4 § 4 (p.214, l.221 - *<) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 1 § 229 (p.40, l.33 - >) BP3 20 § 232 (p.362, l.26) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes De oratione KOETSCHAU P., GCS 3 (1899), 297-403. 29 § 1 (p.382, l.2) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Homiliae in Ieremiam (gr.) HUSSON P., NAUTIN P., SC 232 (1976) : homélies 1-11 ; SC 238 (1977) : homélies 12-20.39. 11 2 (p.418, l.12) BP3 20 7 (p.284, l.73) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes In Exodum homiliae XIII (latine Rufino interprete) 2nd � BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 145-279. 9 4 (p.244, l.15) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 7 2 (p.72, l.20) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes In Iesu Nave homiliae XXVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 286-463. 1 5 (p.292, l.26 - <) BP3; 7 2 (p.330, l.3 - <) BP3; 15 7 (p.393, l.12 - <) BP3; 22 2 (p.434, l.1 - <) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 3 4 (p.307, l.9) BP3; 7 2 (p.376, l.22) BP3; 9 7 (p.431, l.25) BP3; 16 6 (p.503, l.17) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Commentarii in Epistulam primam ad Thessalonicenses in HIERONYMVS PRESBYTER, Epistula 119, LABOURT J., Saint Jérôme, Lettres, 6 (Collection des Universités de France), Paris 1958, 111,8-118,12. (p.111, l.21) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri X-XVII KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 40 (1935). 14 3 (p.279, l.7) BP3

Gal 5.17 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri XII-XIII (lat.) KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 38 (1933). 94 (p.212, l.14 - <) BP3

Gal 5.17 Contra Celsum BORRET M., SC 132 (1967) : livres 1-2 ; SC 136 (1968) : livres 3-4 ; SC 147 (1969) : livres 5-6 ; SC 150 ( 1969 ) : livres 7-8. 3 28 (p.68, l.40) BP8 23 (p.226, l.18 - <) BP3

Gal 5.17 Dionysius Alexandrinus (?) In Ecclesiasten FELTOE Ch.L., Dionysiou Leipsana, The letters and others remains of Dionysius of Alexandria, Cambridge 1904, 210-227. (p.224, l.4) BP2

Gal 5.17 Methodius Olympius Conuiuium MUSURILLO H., DEBIDOUR V.-H., SC 95 (1963). 8 17 (p.258, l.8) BP2

Gal 5.17 Methodius Olympius De sanguisuga BONNWETSCH G.N., GCS 27 (1917), 477-489. 1 § 6 (p.478, l.18 - >) BP2

Galatians 5, 18 Origenes Contra Celsum BORRET M., SC 132 (1967) : livres 1-2 ; SC 136 (1968) : livres 3-4 ; SC 147 (1969) : livres 5-6 ; SC 150 ( 1969 ) : livres 7-8. 7 51 (p.134, l.18 - /) BP3

Galatians 5, 19 Acta Petri graeca 2 (p.236, l.14 - P) BP1

Gal 5.19 Clemens Alexandrinus Paedagogus STAEHLIN O., 2e éd., GCS 12 (1936), 89-292. 2 100 § 3 (p.217, l.18) BP1

Gal 5.19 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 4 61 § 1 (p.276, l.6) BP1

Gal 5.19 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De aleatoribus HARTEL G., CSEL 3,3 (1871), 92-104. 5 (p.97, l.4) BP2

Gal 5.19 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De centesima sexagesima trigesima REITZENSTEIN R., Eine früchristliche Schrift von der dreierlei Früchten des christlichen Lebens, Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 15 (1914), 74-88. § 25 (p.82, l.221) BP2

Gal 5.19 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) Ad uirgines epistulae duae FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 8 § 2 (p.13, l.18) BP2

Gal 5.19 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 10 § 11 (p.694, l.20) BP1

Gal 5.19 Tertullianus De anima WASZINK J.H., CCL 2 (1954), 781-869. 40 § 3 (p.843, l.17) BP1

Gal 5.19 Tertullianus De resurrectione mortuorum BORLEFFS J.G.Ph., CCL 2 (1954), 921-1012. 45 § 6 (p.982, l.27) BP1; 49 § 11 (p.991, l.54) BP1 Gal 5.19 Tertullianus De pudicitia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1281-1330. 17 § 3 (p.1315, l.9) BP1

Gal 5.19 Origenes Commentarii in Ephesios (Fragmenta e catenis) GREGG J.A.F., The commentary of Origen upon the epistle to the Ephesians, Journal of Theological Studies 3 (1902), 234-244 ; 398-420 ; 554-576. 25 (p.562, l.56 - <) BP3 33 (p.571, l.32 - /) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes De pascha GUERAUD O., NAUTIN P., Origène, 2, Sur la Pâque, Paris 1979. 1 § 38 (p.228, l.1) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes Fragmenta in Lamentationes in catenis KLOSTERMANN E., GCS 6 (1901), 235-278. (p.248, l.13) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes De principiis CROUZEL H., SIMONETTI M., SC 252 (1978) : livres 1 et 2 ; SC 268 (1980) : livres 3 et 4. 3 4 § 2 (p.204, l.82 - *<) BP3; 3 4 § 2 (p.206, l.117) BP3; 3 4 § 5 (p.214, l.233 - *) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 13 § 278 (p.268, l.13) BP3; 19 § 139 (p.322, l.21) BP3 32 § 219 (p.455, l.23) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes De oratione KOETSCHAU P., GCS 3 (1899), 297-403. 25 § 3 (p.358, l.31) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes Homiliae in Ieremiam (gr.) HUSSON P., NAUTIN P., SC 232 (1976) : homélies 1-11 ; SC 238 (1977) : homélies 12-20.39. 11 2 (p.416, l.5 - <) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes Commentarius in Titum in PAMPHILIVS CAESARIENSIS, Apologia pro Origene, PG 17 (1857), 553,B1-C11 ; 553,C14-556,B14 ; 556,C2-8 ; 604,A15-B13 ; 604,C1-8. (p.553 - <) BP3

Gal 5.19 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri XII-XIII (lat.) KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 38 (1933). 44 (p.90, l.19 - /) BP3

Gal 5.19 Methodius Olympius De resurrectione (Aglaophon) fragm. 1 BONWETSCH G.N., GCS 27 (1917), 219-424. 1 61 § 4 (p.326, l.19) BP2

Gal 5.19 Methodius Olympius De sanguisuga BONNWETSCH G.N., GCS 27 (1917), 477-489. 1 § 6 (p.478, l.17) BP2

Gal 5.19 Epiphanius Constantiensis Panarion 34-64 HOLL K., GCS 31 (1922), 5-210 ; 215-524. 42 11 § 8 (p.120, l.17 - *<) BP4; 42 12 § 3 (p.157, l.17 - *<) BP4; 42 12 § 3 (p.158, l.14) BP4

Galatians 5, 20 Tertullianus De praescriptionibus aduersus haereses omnes REFOULE R.F., CCL 1 (1954), 187-224. 6 § 1 (p.191, l.2) BP1

Gal 5.20 Iustinus martyr (Ps.) Oratio ad Graecos OTTO I.C.Th., Corpus apologetarum christianorum saeculi secundi, 3,2, 2e éd., Ienae 1849, 2-14. 5 (p.14, l.13) BP2

Gal 5.20 Tertullianus De anima WASZINK J.H., CCL 2 (1954), 781-869. 40 § 3 (p.843, l.17) BP1

Gal 5.20 Origenes De pascha GUERAUD O., NAUTIN P., Origène, 2, Sur la Pâque, Paris 1979. 1 § 38 (p.228, l.1) BP3

Gal 5.20 Origenes Homiliae in Ieremiam (gr.) HUSSON P., NAUTIN P., SC 232 (1976) : homélies 1-11 ; SC 238 (1977) : homélies 12-20.39. 11 2 (p.416, l.5 - <) BP3

Gal 5.20 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 12 3 (p.109, l.7) BP3

Gal 5.20 Origenes Commentarius in Titum in PAMPHILIVS CAESARIENSIS, Apologia pro Origene, PG 17 (1857), 553,B1-C11 ; 553,C14-556,B14 ; 556,C2-8 ; 604,A15-B13 ; 604,C1-8. (p.553) BP3

Galatians 5, 21 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De aleatoribus HARTEL G., CSEL 3,3 (1871), 92-104. 5 (p.97, l.4) BP2

Gal 5.21 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) Ad uirgines epistulae duae FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 8 § 2 (p.13, l.18) BP2

Gal 5.21 Iustinus martyr (Ps.) Oratio ad Graecos OTTO I.C.Th., Corpus apologetarum christianorum saeculi secundi, 3,2, 2e éd., Ienae 1849, 2-14. 5 (p.14, l.13) BP2

Gal 5.21 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 10 § 11 (p.694, l.20) BP1

Gal 5.21 Tertullianus De resurrectione mortuorum BORLEFFS J.G.Ph., CCL 2 (1954), 921-1012. 49 § 11 (p.991, l.54) BP1

Gal 5.21 Tertullianus De pudicitia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1281-1330. 17 § 3 (p.1315, l.9) BP1

Gal 5.21 Origenes Commentarii in Ephesios (Fragmenta e catenis) GREGG J.A.F., The commentary of Origen upon the epistle to the Ephesians, Journal of Theological Studies 3 (1902), 234-244 ; 398-420 ; 554-576. 25 (p.562, l.56 - <) BP3

Gal 5.21 Origenes De principiis CROUZEL H., SIMONETTI M., SC 252 (1978) : livres 1 et 2 ; SC 268 (1980) : livres 3 et 4. 3 4 § 2 (p.204, l.82 - *<) BP3 3 4 § 5 (p.214, l.233 - *) BP3

Gal 5.21 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 12 3 (p.109, l.7) BP3

Gal 5.21 Origenes Origenes Commentarius in Titum in PAMPHILIVS CAESARIENSIS, Apologia pro Origene, PG 17 (1857), 553,B1-C11 ; 553,C14-556,B14 ; 556,C2-8 ; 604,A15-B13 ; 604,C1-8. (p.553 - <) BP3

Gal 5.21 Epiphanius Constantiensis Panarion 1-33 HOLL K., GCS 25 (1915), 153-161 ; 169-233 ; 238-464. 31 21 § 1 (p.417, l.20 - *) BP4 HOLL K., GCS 31 (1922), 5-210 ; 215-524. 42 11 § 8 (p.120, l.17 - *<) BP4 42 12 § 3 (p.157, l.17 - *<) BP4 42 12 § 3 (p.158, l.14) BP4

Galatians 5, 22 Papyrus Gen� 253 RUDHARDT J., Un papyrus chrétien de la Bibliothèque publique et universitaire de Genève, Littérature, histoire, linguistique, Recueil d'études offert à B. Gagnebin, Lausanne 1973, 171-172. (p.171, l.8) BP2

Gal 5.22 Origenes (?) Fragmenta e catenis in Canticum canticorum PG 87,2 (1865), 1553,C1-15 ; 1661,A5-B5 ; 1669,B3-15 ; 1734,C4-7 ; 1737,C4-7 ; 1740,B7-8.C6-D2 ; 1741,C13-15 ; 1744,C8-D1. (p.1661 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Matthaeum KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 41,1 (1941), passim 14-234. 421 (p.176, l.26) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Psalmos PG 12 (1862), passim 1097-1685. (p.1504 - <) BP3; (p.1505) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Psalmos B PITRA J.B., Analecta sacra, 2, Tusculanis 1884, passim 444-483. (p.461, l.1) BP3

Gal 5.22 Acta Thomae 1' § 58 (p.175, l.15) BP2

Gal 5.22 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) Ad uirgines epistulae duae FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 9 § 2 (p.16, l.1) BP2

Gal 5.22 Tertullianus De exhortatione castitatis KROYMANN Aem., CCL 2 (1954), 1015-1035. 10 § 1 (p.1029, l.2) BP1

Gal 5.22 Origenes Commentarii in Ephesios (Fragmenta e catenis) GREGG J.A.F., The commentary of Origen upon the epistle to the Ephesians, Journal of Theological Studies 3 (1902), 234-244 ; 398-420 ; 554-576. 25 (p.562, l.57 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Epistulam primam ad Corinthios JENKINS C., Origen on 1 Corinthians, Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908), 232-247 ; 353-372 ; 500-514. 11 (p.241, l.48 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Ieremiam KLOSTERMANN E., GCS 6 (1901), 165 ; 199-230,16 ; 230,22-232. (p.229, l.4) BP3; (p.229, l.6) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes De principiis CROUZEL H., SIMONETTI M., SC 252 (1978) : livres 1 et 2 ; SC 268 (1980) : livres 3 et 4. 1 3 § 4 (p.148, l.83 - <) BP3; 3 4 § 2 (p.206, l.116) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 19 § 139 (p.322, l.22) BP3; 32 § 218 (p.455, l.21) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Homiliae in Ps. XXXVI (latine interprete Rufino) 3 10 (p.1345 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 In Exodum homiliae XIII (latine Rufino interprete) 2nd � BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 145-279. 9 4 (p.241, l.13 - >) BP3

Gal 5.22 In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 7 2 (p.73, l.2) BP3; 8 10 (p.85, l.12) BP3; 12 3 (p.109, l.11) BP3; 16 6 (p.143, l.18 - <) BP3; 16 6 (p.144, l.5) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes In Iesu Nave homiliae XXVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 286-463. 26 1 (p.458, l.17 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 2 2 (p.292, l.20 - <) BP3 5 12 (p.355, l.23 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes In librum Iudicum homiliae IX (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 464-522. 8 2 (p.510, l.5) BP3

Gal 5.22 In Lucam homiliae XXXIX (latine Hieronymo interprete) RAUER M., 2e éd., GCS 49 (1959), 1-222. 22 (p.132, l.14) BP3; 22 (p.137, l.4 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Libri X in Canticum canticorum BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 33 (1925), LIII (page indiquée en chiffre arabe dans l'Index) ; 61-241 (y compris le fragment grec). 1 (p.100, l.8) BP3; 3 (p.224, l.23) BP3; 3 (p.226, l.19) BP3; 3 (p.233, l.2) BP3

Gal 5.22 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri X-XVII KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 40 (1935). 15 3 (p.355, l.10) BP3 16 16 (p.529, l.2) BP3 16 27 (p.565, l.21) BP3 16 29 (p.572, l.7 - <) BP3 16 29 (p.573, l.10) BP3 17 8 (p.607, l.12 - <) BP3

Gal 5.22 Methodius Olympius Conuiuium MUSURILLO H., DEBIDOUR V.-H., SC 95 (1963). 10 5 (p.298, l.51 - <) BP2

Gal 5.22 Methodius Olympius De lepra BONWETSCH G.N., GCS 27 (1917), 451-474. 15 § 6 (p.470, l.20) BP2

Galatians 5, 23 Acta Petri graeca 2 (p.236, l.14 - P) BP1

Gal 5.23 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 4 61 § 1 (p.276, l.6) BP1

Gal 5.23 Acta Thomae 1' § 58 (p.175, l.15) BP2

Gal 5.23 Origenes Commentarii in Ephesios (Fragmenta e catenis) GREGG J.A.F., The commentary of Origen upon the epistle to the Ephesians, Journal of Theological Studies 3 (1902), 234-244 ; 398-420 ; 554-576. 25 (p.562, l.57 - <) BP3

Gal 5.23 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Epistulam primam ad Corinthios JENKINS C., Origen on 1 Corinthians, Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908), 232-247 ; 353-372 ; 500-514. 11 (p.241, l.48 - <) BP3

Gal 5.23 Fragmenta e catenis in Ieremiam KLOSTERMANN E., GCS 6 (1901), 165 ; 199-230,16 ; 230,22-232. (p.229, l.6) BP3

Gal 5.23 Origenes De principiis CROUZEL H., SIMONETTI M., SC 252 (1978) : livres 1 et 2 ; SC 268 (1980) : livres 3 et 4. 1 3 § 4 (p.148, l.83 - <) BP3

Gal 5.23 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 12 3 (p.109, l.11) BP3; 16 6 (p.143, l.18 - <) BP3; 16 6 (p.144, l.5) BP3

Gal 5.23 Origenes In Lucam homiliae XXXIX (latine Hieronymo interprete) RAUER M., 2e éd., GCS 49 (1959), 1-222. 22 (p.137, l.4 - <) BP3

Gal 5.23 Origenes Libri X in Canticum canticorum BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 33 (1925), LIII (page indiquée en chiffre arabe dans l'Index) ; 61-241 (y compris le fragment grec). 3 (p.226, l.19) BP3

Gal 5.23 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri X-XVII KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 40 (1935). 16 29 (p.572, l.7 - <) BP3

Gal 5.23 Methodius Olympius Conuiuium MUSURILLO H., DEBIDOUR V.-H., SC 95 (1963). 10 5 (p.298, l.51 - <) BP2

Galatians 5, 24 Pseudo-Clement Hypotyposeis STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 195-215. (p.197, l.2) BP1

Gal 5.24 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 4 43 § 4 (p.267, l.29) BP1

Gal 5.24 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 7 § 2 (p.12, l.13) BP2

Gal 5.24 Tertullianus De exhortatione castitatis KROYMANN Aem., CCL 2 (1954), 1015-1035. 10 § 1 (p.1029, l.2) BP1

Gal 5.24 Origenes In Exodum homiliae XIII (latine Rufino interprete) 2nd � BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 145-279. 6 1 (p.192, l.5) BP3

Gal 5.24 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 9 3 (p.91, l.21) BP3

Gal 5.24 Origenes In Iesu Nave homiliae XXVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 286-463. 22 2 (p.434, l.10 - <) BP3

Gal 5.24 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 3 4 (p.307, l.14) BP3

Gal 5.24 Methodius Olympius De lepra BONWETSCH G.N., GCS 27 (1917), 451-474. 6 § 5 (p.458, l.12) BP2

Gal 5.24 Epiphanius Constantiensis Panarion 1-33 HOLL K., GCS 25 (1915), 153-161 ; 169-233 ; 238-464. 31 12 § 7 (p.404, l.19 - *) BP4 HOLL K., GCS 31 (1922), 5-210 ; 215-524. 42 11 § 8 (p.121, l.1 - *<) BP4; 42 12 § 3 (p.158, l.22 - *<) BP4; 42 12 § 3 (p.158, l.24) BP4

Galatians 5, 25 Clemens Alexandrinus Paedagogus STAEHLIN O., 2e éd., GCS 12 (1936), 89-292. 3 95 § 2 (p.288, l.23) BP1

Gal 5.25 Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 4 43 § 5 (p.267, l.30) BP1 5 34 § 2 (p.348, l.11) BP1

Gal 5.25 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) Ad uirgines epistulae duae FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 9 § 1 (p.15, l.16 - <) BP2

Gal 5.25 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 32 § 224 (p.456, l.4) BP3

Gal 5.25 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri X-XVII KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 40 (1935). 15 5 (p.361, l.20) BP3

Gal 5.25 Origenes Contra Celsum BORRET M., SC 132 (1967) : livres 1-2 ; SC 136 (1968) : livres 3-4 ; SC 147 (1969) : livres 5-6 ; SC 150 ( 1969 ) : livres 7-8. 7 52 (p.136, l.17 - <) BP3

Galatians 5, 26 Clemens Alexandrinus Paedagogus STAEHLIN O., 2e éd., GCS 12 (1936), 89-292. 3 95 § 2 (p.288, l.23) BP1

Gal 5.26 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 1 41 § 6 (p.28, l.2) BP1

Gal 5.26 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri XII-XIII (lat.) KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 38 (1933). 12 (p.24, l.6 - >) BP3; 14 (p.27, l.4 - >) BP3; 36 (p.69, l.15 - >) BP3; 44 (p.90, l.19 - /) BP3

Galatians 6, 1 Tertullianus De monogamia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1229-1253. 1 § 2 (p.1229, l.10) BP1

Gal 6.1 Origenes In Ezechielem homeliae XIV (latine interprete Hieronymo) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 33 (1925), 319-454. 6 10 (p.389, l.22 - <) BP3

Gal 6.1 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri XII-XIII (lat.) KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 38 (1933). 81 (p.193, l.23 - <) BP3

Gal 6.1 Epiphanius Constantiensis Panarion 34-64 HOLL K., GCS 31 (1922), 5-210 ; 215-524. 59 5 § 5 (p.369, l.28 - < )) BP4

Galatians 6, 2 Epistula ad Diognetum FUNK F.X., BIHLMEYER K., Die apostolischen Väter, Neubearbeitung der Funkschen Ausgabe, 2e éd., Tübingen 1956, 141-149. 10 § 6 (p.148, l.4) BP1

Gal 6.2 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De singularitate clericorum HARTEL G., CSEL 3,3 (1871), 173-220. 10 (p.184, l.12 - <) BP2

Gal 6.2 Didascalia apostolorum CONNOLLY R.H., Didascalia apostolorum..., Oxford 1929. 2 (p.8, l.1) BP2

Gal 6.2 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 13 (p.674, l.15) BP1

Gal 6.2 Origenes In Lucam homiliae XXXIX (latine Hieronymo interprete) RAUER M., 2e éd., GCS 49 (1959), 1-222. 34 (p.195, l.11) BP3

Gal 6.2 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) Ad Nouatianum DIERCKS G.F., CCL 4 (1972), 137-152. 13 § 8 (p.147, l.15 - <) BP2

Gal 6.2 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri X-XVII KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 40 (1935). 14 16 (p.321, l.5) BP3

Galatians 6, 3 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De singularitate clericorum HARTEL G., CSEL 3,3 (1871), 173-220. 3 (p.175, l.28 - <) BP2

Gal 6.3 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) Ad uirgines epistulae duae FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 3 § 3 (p.4, l.19 - <) BP2

Galatians 6, 4 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) Ad uirgines epistulae duae FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 3 § 4 (p.4, l.21 - <) BP2

Galatians 6, 5 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De singularitate clericorum HARTEL G., CSEL 3,3 (1871), 173-220. 12 (p.187, l.12 - <) BP2

Galatians 6, 6 Acta Pauli B VOUAUX L., Les Actes de Paul et ses lettres apocryphes, Paris 1913, 143-247 ; 253 ; 278-314. 2 § 39 (p.222, l.1) BP1

Galatians 6, 7 "God is not mocked," nor does He give heed to vain words. For He alone searches the marrow and reins of the heart, and hears those that are in the fire, and listens to those who supplicate in the whale's belly; and is near to all who believe, and far from the ungodly if they repent not. Clemens Alexandrinus Quis dives salvetur STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 159-191. 41 § 7 (p.187, l.23) BP1

Gal 6.7 Commodianus Instructiones MARTIN I., CCL 128 (1960), 3-70. 1 § 28 (p.24, l.9) BP2

Gal 6.7 Origenes (?) Homilia in Psalmos KRAMER B., Eine Psalmenhomilie aus dem Tura-Fund, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 16 (1975), 180-204. 4 § 10 (p.184, l.8) BP3

Gal 6.7 Adamantius De recta in Deum fide VAN DE SANDE BAKHUYZEN W.H., GCS 4 (1901). (p.66, l.30 - <) BP2

Gal 6.7 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 14 (p.675, l.20) BP1

Gal 6.7 Tertullianus De pudicitia DEKKERS E., CCL 2 (1954), 1281-1330. 2 § 7 (p.1284, l.26) BP1

Gal 6.7 Origenes Fragmenta in Lamentationes in catenis KLOSTERMANN E., GCS 6 (1901), 235-278. (p.251, l.5) BP3

Gal 6.7 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 13 § 288 (p.269, l.26 - <) BP3 13 § 292 (p.270, l.13) BP3

Gal 6.7 Origenes Homiliae in Ieremiam (gr.) HUSSON P., NAUTIN P., SC 232 (1976) : homélies 1-11 ; SC 238 (1977) : homélies 12-20.39. 20 3 (p.262, l.37 - <) BP3

Gal 6.7 Origenes Homiliae in Ps. XXXVI (latine interprete Rufino) PG 12, 1319-1368. 1 3 (p.1325 - <) BP3

Gal 6.7 Origenes In Exodum homiliae XIII (latine Rufino interprete) 2nd � BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 145-279. 7 5 (p.212, l.22 - <) BP3

Galatians 6, 8 Iulius Cassianus in HIERONYMVS PRESBYTER, Commentarii in Galatas, PL 26 (1884), 460. (p.460) BP1

Gal 6.8 He that sows to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 1 4 § 2 (p.5, l.2) BP1 4 43 § 5 (p.267, l.30) BP1
Gal 6.8 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata 7 And "to bear the sign of [the cross]" is to bear about death, by taking farewell of all things while still alive; since there is not equal love in "having sown the flesh,"
Gal 6.8 Origenes (?) Fragmenta e catenis in Prouerbia PG 17 (1857), passim 149-252. (p.184) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes Homilia in Psalmos KRAMER B., Eine Psalmenhomilie aus dem Tura-Fund, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 16 (1975), 180-204. 4 § 10 (p.184, l.8) BP3

Gal 6.8 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 14 (p.675, l.27) BP1

Gal 6.8 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Iob PG 17 (1857), passim 57-105. (p.77 - <) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 13 § 288 (p.269, l.26 - <) BP3; 13 § 291 (p.270, l.9 - <) BP3; 13 § 292 (p.270, l.13) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes De oratione KOETSCHAU P., GCS 3 (1899), 297-403. 19 § 2 (p.342, l.19) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes Homiliae in Ieremiam (gr.) HUSSON P., NAUTIN P., SC 232 (1976) : homélies 1-11 ; SC 238 (1977) : homélies 12-20.39. 11 2 (p.418, l.19 - <) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes Homiliae in Ps. XXXVI (latine interprete Rufino) PG 12, 1319-1368. 1 3 (p.1325 - <) BP3 1 3 (p.1325) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 5 6 (p.65, l.9) BP3; 6 3 (p.69, l.22) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 2 2 (p.292, l.23 - <) BP3; 2 2 (p.293, l.1 - <) BP3; 16 5 (p.500, l.8) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes In librum Iudicum homiliae IX (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 464-522. 7 2 (p.505, l.18 - <) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes Libri X in Canticum canticorum BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 33 (1925), LIII (page indiquée en chiffre arabe dans l'Index) ; 61-241 (y compris le fragment grec). (p.67, l.2) BP3

Gal 6.8 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri XII-XIII (lat.) KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 38 (1933). 68 (p.159, l.24 - <) BP3; 68 (p.161, l.3) BP3

Galatians 6, 9 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 1 4 § 2 (p.5, l.2) BP1

Gal 6.9 Clemens Alexandrinus Instructor 3 Be not deceived; God is not mocked. Let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due time we shall reap, if we faint not

Gal 6.9 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 14 (p.675, l.24) BP1

Gal 6.9 Tertullianus De resurrectione mortuorum BORLEFFS J.G.Ph., CCL 2 (1954), 921-1012. 23 § 10 (p.950, l.38) BP1

Galatians 6, 10 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 1 8 § 2 (p.7, l.3) BP1

Gal 6.10 Clemens Romanus (Ps.) Ad uirgines epistulae duae FUNK F.X., DIEKAMP F., Patres Apostolici, 2, 3 éd., Tubingae 1913, 1-49. 1 12 § 1 (p.22, l.21 - <) BP2; 1 12 § 8 (p.25, l.25 - <) BP2

Gal 6.10 Passio sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis - Acta VAN BEEK C.I.M.I., Passio sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, 1, Noviomagi 1936. 21 § 7 (p.53, l.1) BP1

Gal 6.10 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 14 (p.675, l.25) BP1

Gal 6.10 Pontius diaconus BASTIAENSEN A.A.R., Vita di Cipriano... (Vite dei Santi 3), Milano 1975, 4-48. 10 § 4 (p.26, l.14) BP2

Gal 6.10 Epiphanius Constantiensis Panarion 34-64 HOLL K., GCS 31 (1922), 5-210 ; 215-524. 42 16 § 3 (p.185, l.7 - <) BP4

Galatians 6, 11 Methodius Olympius (?) In Iob BONWETSCH G.N., GCS 27 (1917), 511-519. (p.517, l.2 - <) BP2

Galatians 6, 13 no Ante-Nicene witnesses

Galatians 6, 14 Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 2 104 § 3 (p.170, l.13) BP1 4 12 § 6 (p.254, l.3) BP1

Gal 6.14 Cyprianus Carthaginiensis (Ps.) De laude martyrii 28 (p.49, l.19 - <) BP2

Gal 6.14 Euangelium Philippi copticum MENARD J.-E., L'Evangile selon Philippe, Paris 1967. § 53 (p.71, l.24) BP2

Gal 6.14 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 15 (p.675, l.2) BP1

Gal 6.14 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum (fragmenta) KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 41,1 (1941), passim 13-235. 350 (p.151, l.3 - < /) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes De pascha GUERAUD O., NAUTIN P., Origène, 2, Sur la Pâque, Paris 1979. 1 § 15 (p.182, l.29 - <) BP3 1 § 15 (p.182, l.35 - < )) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes Fragmenta e catenis in Epistulam primam ad Corinthios JENKINS C., Origen on 1 Corinthians, Journal of Theological Studies 9 (1908), 232-247 ; 353-372 ; 500-514. 6 (p.235, l.15 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 10 § 45 (p.179, l.32) BP3 10 § 230 (p.210, l.4 - <) BP3 10 § 230 (p.210, l.5 - /) BP3 19 § 139 (p.322, l.26 - <) BP3 28 § 166 (p.414, l.4 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes Homiliae in Ieremiam (gr.) HUSSON P., NAUTIN P., SC 232 (1976) : homélies 1-11 ; SC 238 (1977) : homélies 12-20.39. 11 4 (p.422, l.20 - < )) BP3 18 2 (p.182, l.57 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes In Exodum homiliae XIII (latine Rufino interprete) 2nd � BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 145-279. 6 8 (p.199, l.11 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes In Iesu Nave homiliae XXVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 286-463. 7 2 (p.330, l.7 - <) BP3 8 3 (p.338, l.23 - <) BP3 8 3 (p.339, l.2 - <) BP3 12 3 (p.370, l.14 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes In Leuiticum homiliae XVI (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 280-507 (y compris le fragment grec p. 332-334). 9 9 (p.436, l.22) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes In librum Iudicum homiliae IX (latine interprete Rufino) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 30 (1921), 464-522. 4 2 (p.489, l.16 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes Libri X in Canticum canticorum BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 33 (1925), LIII (page indiquée en chiffre arabe dans l'Index) ; 61-241 (y compris le fragment grec). (p.71, l.26 - *) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri X-XVII KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 40 (1935). 12 18 (p.111, l.6) BP3 12 25 (p.126, l.17 - <) BP3 12 27 (p.129, l.15 - <) BP3 12 27 (p.130, l.21) BP3 13 21 (p.238, l.31 - <) BP3 13 21 (p.239, l.2 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Origenes Commentarii in Matthaeum, libri XII-XIII (lat.) KLOSTERMANN E., BENZ E., GCS 38 (1933). 32 (p.58, l.29 - < )) BP3 35 (p.65, l.15 - >) BP3 56 (p.131, l.14 - <) BP3 126 (p.264, l.12 - <) BP3

Gal 6.14 Contra Celsum BORRET M., SC 132 (1967) : livres 1-2 ; SC 136 (1968) : livres 3-4 ; SC 147 (1969) : livres 5-6 ; SC 150 ( 1969 ) : livres 7-8. 2 69 (p.446, l.9 - <) BP3 5 64 (p.172, l.23 - *) BP3 5 65 (p.174, l.2 - *) BP3 5 65 (p.174, l.7) BP3

Gal 6.14 Epiphanius Constantiensis Panarion 1-33 HOLL K., GCS 25 (1915), 153-161 ; 169-233 ; 238-464. 31 15 § 5 (p.409, l.4 - *<) BP4

Galatians 6, 15 There is neither barbarian, nor Jew, nor Greek, neither male nor female, but a new man Clemens Alexandrinus Protrepticus MONDESERT C., PLASSART A., 2e éd., SC 2 (1949). 114 § 3 (p.182, l.13) BP1

Gal 6.15 no one in Christ is bond or free, or Greek or Jew. For the creation in Christ Jesus is new, is equality, free of strife— not grasping— just Clemens Alexandrinus Stromata STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., 3e éd., GCS 52 (1960) pour les livres 1-6 ; STAEHLIN O., FRUECHTEL L., TREU U., 2e éd., GCS 17 (1970), 3-102 pour les livres 7-8. 5 30 § 4 (p.345, l.25) BP1

Gal 6.15 Hippolytus Romanus (?) Refutatio omnium haeresium WENDLAND P., GCS 26 (1916). 5 7 § 15 (p.82, l.8 - /) BP2

Gal 6.15 Origenes De principiis CROUZEL H., SIMONETTI M., SC 252 (1978) : livres 1 et 2 ; SC 268 (1980) : livres 3 et 4. 3 1 § 23 (p.142, l.754 - >) BP3

Galatians 6, 16 Acta Pauli C TESTUZ M., Papyrus Bodmer 10-12..., Correspondance apocryphe des Corinthiens et de l'Apôtre Paul (Bibliotheca Bodmeriana), Cologny - Genève 1959, 30-44. (p.42, l.17) BP1

Gal 6.16 Origenes Commentarii in Iohannem PREUSCHEN E., GCS 10 (1903), 3-480 ; 562-563. 13 § 343 (p.280, l.14) BP3

Galatians 6, 17 Acta Pauli C TESTUZ M., Papyrus Bodmer 10-12..., Correspondance apocryphe des Corinthiens et de l'Apôtre Paul (Bibliotheca Bodmeriana), Cologny - Genève 1959, 30-44. (p.42, l.12) BP1

Gal 6.17 Excerpta e Theodoto SAGNARD F., SC 23 (1948). 86 § 2 (p.210, l.9 - *) BP1

Gal 6.17 Adamantius De recta in Deum fide VAN DE SANDE BAKHUYZEN W.H., GCS 4 (1901). (p.222, l.15 - <) BP2

Gal 6.17 Tertullianus Aduersus Marcionem KROYMANN Aem., CCL 1 (1954), 441-726. 5 4 § 15 (p.675, l.6) BP1

Gal 6.17 Tertullianus De resurrectione mortuorum BORLEFFS J.G.Ph., CCL 2 (1954), 921-1012. 10 § 4 (p.933, l.16) BP1

Gal 6.17 Origenes In Genesim homiliae XVI (latine Rufino interprete) BAEHRENS W.A., GCS 29 (1920), 1-144. 3 7 (p.50, l.3 - <) BP3

Galatians 6, 18 Epistula Barnabae FUNK F.X., BIHLMEYER K., Die apostolischen Väter, Neubearbeitung der Funkschen Ausgabe, 2e éd., Tübingen 1956, 10-34. 21 § 9 (p.34, l.6) BP1

Gal 6.18 Prologi epistularum Pauli DE BRUYNE D., Prologues bibliques d'origine marcionite, Revue Bénédictine 24 (1907), 13-16. (p.13, l.5) BP2

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