Friday, October 9, 2009

Mayan Calendar: December 21st 2012 is the End of the World


Apolinario Chile Pixtun, an old Mayan Indian states that “I was in England last year and they had me bored with this story.”

Ann Martin, who runs the website, at Cornell University, said: “Curious? Ask an astronomer, many people are afraid, unfortunately we are receiving emails from fourth grade boys who say they are too young to die” and “One woman said she worried that would not see her two children grow.”

The Guatemalan Pixtun Chile, says that “theories of Doomsday emerged in the West and that the Maya never talked about it.”
“On that date concludes an important period for the Mayans and some people found that in 2012 there will be a series of rare astronomical alignments, including one that happens every 25 800 years.”

But most archaeologists and Mayan astronomers agree that “the only thing that will happen is a barrage of philosophical theories of the New Age, astronomy apocalyptic pop and rumors on the Internet”.

“There will be special television programs, as one that was on the History Channel that mixes predictions of Nostradamus and the Mayans and asks the question: Is 2012 the year in which the cosmic clock finally reached zero hour, with zero expectation and zero days ahead? “.

In fact when it’s about a stone tablet found in southern Mexico that almost disappears because theplace had been paved and parts of the tablet had been stolen.

The tablet mentions the year 2012. The inscription describes something that supposedly is going to happen this year involving Yokte Bolon, a mysterious Mayan god associated with war and creation.

Guillermo Bernal, an archaeologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, believes that “what it says is that he will descend from heaven.”

The archaeologist notes that “there are other Mayan inscriptions whith dates beyond 2012, including one that refers to what would be the year 4772.

Jose Huchim, Yucatan Maya archaeologist said “If I was Mayan and people asked what will happen in 2012, nobody would have any idea,” That the world is going to end? They would not believe me. They have more real concerns, like rains. ”

The longest period of Mayan civilization had its greatest splendor among 300 DC and 900 dD.C., with abundant knowledge of astronomy.

The Mayan calendar begins in 3114 B.C. separating the time periods called ‘baktuns’. The 13 was a sacred number for the Mayas, and the 13th Baktun ends around 21 December 2012.

David Stuart, a specialist in Maya epigraphs at the University of Texas in Austin said that “It is a special anniversary of the creation”, and “The Mayans never discussed the end of the world, they never said anything bad would happen. Only hinted at this future anniversary of the Six Monument.

Guillermo Bernal confirmed that “Revelation is very Western and Christian.”
Adding, “Perhaps our own mythological systems are very tired and seek an exotic culture.

Experts say that “Mayas knew another secret: that the earth’s axis sways, slightly changing the alignment of the stars every year.”

“Once every 25 800 years, the Sun is aligned at the center of the Milky Way during the winter solstice, when the sun reaches its lowest point on the horizon, it will happen on 21 December 2012, when it will seem that the Sun appears in the same place where it gets the bright center of the galaxy. ”

Phil Plait, an astronomer who produces the blog “Bad Astronomy”, said “My question is: so what?”, Saying “this alignment will not necessarily occur in 2012 and distant stars do not exercise any force that may affect Earth. ”

“They are doing everything possible to find some element that fits astronomically in 2012.”

The writer John Major Jenkins says that “for two decadesI studied Mayan ruins and found that the Maya were aware of that alignment and considered it very important.”
And that “If we want to honor and respect what the Maya thought about it, we would have to say they saw the end of 2012 as a cycle, a time of transformation and renewal”.

Writer Lawrence Joseph said that “some explosive storms in the sun’s surface that occur every 11 years could cut the power of the United States for several years and trigger shortages of food and water as well as a real collapse of civilization, but added that storms of 2012 could be negligible. ”

Joseph also notes that “one should not use 2012 as an excuse for irresponsible management. Do not run wild with credit cards.

A History Channel program called “Decoding the Past: Apocalypse 2012, the end of our days,” stresses that “galactic alignment or magnetic disturbances could trigger a change at the poles of the Earth”.

The narrator continues, “The Earth’s mantle would be changed in a matter of days if not hours, changing the position of the north and south poles and causing a global disaster” and that “It would have earthquakes in all continents, massive tsunamis that would flood coastal cities. It would be the worst of planetary catastrophes.

Actually it all started with the thoughts of a nineteenth century French priest Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bour, dedicated to archeology who would have found these prophecies in ancient Mayan and Aztec texts. “His thesis were never really taken seriously.”

But, well, now we must keep in mind that “Scientists say that, at most, the pole position may change slightly over millions of years and there is no indication that this process will begin in 2012 “.

Although “According to the Maya, December 21st, 2012 is the end of this civilization. They did not mention the cause, but the last day will not mean the arrival of any fatality, however, involves a new cosmic awareness and spiritual transition to the new civilization. “

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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