Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Went to the Biblioblogger Top 50 Site and Found This ...

Josh Philpot (The Old Perspective). Josh begain blogging in April 2009. He is a Ph.D. candidate in Old Testament at Southern Seminary (Louisville, Kentucky), under the supervision of Duane Garrett. Josh believes it is a “serious flaw” to read Daniel as though it was written in the time of the Maccabees, rather than in 605-538 BC, “as the book itself attests.”

'Serious flaw' ...

I wonder what other 'serious flaws' this Einstein thinks are out there in the world. Heliocentrism? Maybe he takes issue with the introduction of that 'controversial' new number zero - those damn Islamo-fascists! Oh and don't get him started on evolution, 'fornication' and that accursed 'rock and roll' music.

Now I am not a PhD candidate. I am also not a rocket scientist, nor a wonder-worker nor anything close to a genius for that matter. But even I can see that anyone who puts this much effort into claiming that Daniel was written in Persian period, shouldn't be allowed into a university let alone a doctorate program.

Seriously, the Book of Daniel identifies specific historical periods that could only have been known to someone living in the second century BCE AT THE VERY EARLIEST. Oh, I know - I am forgetting the power of the Holy Spirit and 'prophetic gifts.'

I don't know why this guys so interested in upholding the sanctity of Daniel anyway. Jesus wasn't the messiah that Daniel was looking for. All the earliest Church Fathers knew that. So what's up with this 'drawing a line in the sand' over the dating of Daniel?

Like I said anyone who fights over something so stupid like this shouldn't be allowed into a doctorate program let alone a university. But then again it's a Southern Seminary. That'd be the equivalent of kindergarten in the rest of the world ...

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