Monday, March 8, 2010

Just a Quick Word to My Regular Readers

I know that this blog is like ten thousand miles above anything that most people might care about, but I really, really think that this stuff actually matters.  At the very least, it beats hearing about my wife's family for the ten millionth time ...

Here's another little tidbit which I will throw out there for those of us who have read the Martyrdom of Polycarp more than a few times.  Have you ever noticed the way that Polycarp has his mind set on dying on February 23rd?  It becomes even more pronounced when you factor in the fact that Lucian of Samosata is writing about Polycarp in his Passing of Peregrinus.

It has always puzzled me why Polycarp had to die on that day.  The text says something about it being a 'great Sabbath.'  That is one possibility.  The other is that February 23rd is exactly thirty days from March 25th the traditional date of the resurrection and the beginning of the fasting period among the Muslims, Manichaeans and whatever tradition likely influenced Mani's and Mohammed's understanding of Christianity.

It just seems kooky that it had to be THAT day that Polycarp killed himself (or 'got killed' is the politically correct term).  The whole topic deserves a fuller treatment than this I fear ...

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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