Sunday, April 11, 2010

When the Letter to Theodore Says that Mark "Left his Composition to the Church in Alexandria, Where it Even Yet is Most Carefully Guarded, Being Read Only to Those who are Being Initiated into the Great Mysteries" Clement Undoubtedly Meant it Was Placed In a Throne

Scholars have NEXT TO NO understanding of the Eastern Orthodox tradition.  How then can they claim to know what the Letter to Theodore is really saying or that it is a 'fake'?  I have always argued that for the presence of references that ANY members of the Coptic or Orthodox tradition would immediately recognize.  This is because they belong to a tradition which is ultimately still connected to the tradition of the Alexandrian Church Fathers.  I have made the point that the 'truth hidden by seven veils' alludes to the inner sanctum of the ancient Church of St. Mark in Alexandria.  Scholars have also noticed that the Throne of St. Mark which the Venetians stole from that church has a large hole on one side which has led to speculation that the holy relics or holy writing like the Gospel of Mark were kept here.  The photo on the left shows the throne room inside the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The Gospel is enthroned on the dais; the Patriarch sits on the lower throne in front. When are these morons who study ancient texts going to realize that understanding ancient Christianity isn't just about paying attention to words on a page? Probably never, I guess.

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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