Thursday, December 23, 2010

An Exciting Discovery - Hermann Raschke Who Argued that 'Marcion's Gospel is the Original Gospel of Mark'


Born in Hamburg-Altona 1887
Universities of Marburg and Berlin 1910-1914 tests in Hamburg
Pastor since 1917 in Bremerhaven


Workshop of Mark the Evangelist 1923
Epistle to the Romans of Marcion 1926
Places and ways of Jesus, Paris lecture in 1927
The inner and logos in the ancient German idealism Metaphysizierung 1949.
A word to the thesis Rudolf Bull's 1953 International Journal of Modern History, V. Jahrg. Issue 2


Palestine in 1925, investigation of the royal tombs
1927 Paris, Congress of History of Christianity in honor of Alfred Loisys

Raschke argues that Mark is really the edited gospel of Marcion

"Another cornerstone is the work of Hermann Raschke, whose result is that Marcion’s Gospel is rather that of Mark, not Luke’s. The methods and paradigms of Raschke, whose book is unfortunately neither available online nor in print, give valuable insight, even though containing some eccentric hypotheses. Reconstructed Marcion has passages in common with Luke’s gospel, but lacking in Mark’s. Raschke remarks against Harnack, that patristic literature does not claim that Marcion may only have erased, but might also have added. This leads to some dubious conclusions of Harnack’s." [Klaus Schilling A survey: G.A. van den Bergh van Eysinga]

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