Sunday, February 20, 2011

Biblical Archaeology Review Publishes New Article Which Rebuts the Forgery Claims Surrounding the Letter to Theodore

I haven't even had time to read the article but a former student of Morton Smith, Allan J. Pantuck (now Associate Professor of Urology at UCLA) has just penned a response to the hoaxers in the latest online edition of BAR.  The article can be read here and I will provide comments in the next couple of days but it should be noted that Pantuck is responding to Francis Watson's recent article 'Beyond Suspicion: On the Authorship of the Mar Saba Letter and the Secret Gospel of Mark' in the Journal of Theological Studies.  A number of bloggers including myself have written about this recent attenpt to brand the Mar Saba letter a forgery.  Pantuck can only find two points which need to be answered - (1) Watson's claim in the years prior to his discovery of the Secret Gospel Smith wrote things in an analysis of the Gospel of Mark (“Comments on Taylor’s Commentary on Mark”)  that would later be “confirmed” by his discovery and (2) "provocative similarities" between the details of Smith’s discovery of the Secret Gospel, which occurred at the monastery of Mar Saba in 1958, and a novel titled The Mystery of Mar Saba published by James H. Hunter in 1940 eighteen years before Smith’s discovery.

It should be well worth the read!

Email with comments or questions.

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