Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting to Checkmate in the 'Secret Mark Debate'

As anyone with any objectivity can plainly see, Jerome's nudus nudum motto and its consistent connection with Mark 10:17 - 31 in his writings tips the scales in favor of authenticity with respect to the authenticity of the Mar Saba document.  Instead of participating in a debate with scholars (who won't listen to what I or anyone else has to say anyway if it is contrary to their established position) it is time to approach things in a way that finally and forever changes the playing field.

And what is that you ask?  

The nudus nudum formula may be news to you and I but it represents the very heart of the real Catholic faith for centuries.  Up until the discovery of the Mar Saba document Jerome's dictum seemed to be just that - Jerome's invention.  That is all about to change.  Jerome and the Franciscan Order can now be argued to have preserved nothing short of the truest of Christian traditions.  This is not a mere 'motto' developed out of the imagination of an influential fourth century scholar, translator and theologian.  It is now certainly a tradition which goes back to the earliest of sources - viz. the very interpreter of Peter, St. Mark himself.

The Catholic Church has never come out with an official position on the authenticity of the Mar Saba find.  Most of the major figures who promote the hoax hypothesis are evangelical scholars (save for the music teacher).

My guess is that they will take Jerome's word over all of them.  Such an endorsement would completely transform the playing field.  Does anyone take these evangelicals seriously besides themselves?

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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