Monday, March 9, 2015
Evidence and Arguments Deuteronomy Came Before Exodus
How gradually, and how naturally, the advancing
thoughts and changed circumstances of Israel affected the
Decalogue may be seen most clearly in the differences
between its form as originally given, and as it is set forth
in Exodus and in Deuteronomy. If the original form of
these commandments was what we have indicated they corresponded entirely to the circumstances of the
wilderness. There is no reference in them which pre-
supposes any other social background than that of a
people dwelling together according to families, possessing
property, and worshipping Yahweh. None of the com-
mandments involves a social state different from that.
But when Israel had entered upon its heritage, and had
become possessed of the oxen and asses which were
needed in agricultural labour and in settled life, this stage
of their progress was reflected in the reasons and induce-
ments which were added to the original commands. In
the fourth and tenth commandments of Exodus we have
consequently the essential commandments of the earlier
day adapted to a new state of things, i.e. to a settled
agricultural life. Then, even as between the Exodus and Deuteronomic texts, a progress is perceptible. The reasons
for keeping the Sabbath which these two recensions give
are different, as we have seen, and it is probable that the
reason given in Deuteronomy was first. To the people
in the wilderness came the bare Divine command that this
one day was to be sacred to Yahweh. In both Exodus
and Deuteronomy we have additions, going into details
which show that when these versions were prepared Israel
had ceased to be nomadic and had become agricultural.
In Deuteronomy we find that the importance and useful-
ness of this command from a humane point of view had
been recognised, and one at least of the grounds upon
which it should be held a point of morality to keep it is
set forth in the words "that thy manservant and thy
maidservant may rest as well as thou." Finally, if the
critical views be correct, in Exodus we have the motive
for the observance of the Sabbath raised to the universal
and eternal, by being brought into connection with the
creative activity of God.
If the progression now traced out be real, then we have in it a classical instance of the manner in which Divine commands were given and dealt with in Israel. Given in the most general form at first, they inevitably open the way for progress, and as thought and experience grow in volume and rise in quality, so aoes the understanding of the law as given expand. Under the influence of this expansion addition after addition is made, till the final form is reached ; and the whole is then set forth as having been spoken by Yahweh and given by Moses when the command was first promulgated. In such cases literary proprietorship was never in question. Each addition was sanctioned by revelation, and those by whom it came were never thought ofl It would seem, indeed, that nothing but modern skeptical views as to the reality of revelation, the feeling that all this movement to a higher faith was merely natural, and that the hand of God was not in it, could have suggested to the ancient Hebrew writers the wish to hand on the names of those by whom such changes were made. Yahweh spoke at the beginning, Moses mediated between the people and Yahweh, and the law thus mediated was in all forms equally Mosaic, and in all forms equally Divine. [Andrew Harper, Book of Deuteronomy p. 98 - 99]
If the progression now traced out be real, then we have in it a classical instance of the manner in which Divine commands were given and dealt with in Israel. Given in the most general form at first, they inevitably open the way for progress, and as thought and experience grow in volume and rise in quality, so aoes the understanding of the law as given expand. Under the influence of this expansion addition after addition is made, till the final form is reached ; and the whole is then set forth as having been spoken by Yahweh and given by Moses when the command was first promulgated. In such cases literary proprietorship was never in question. Each addition was sanctioned by revelation, and those by whom it came were never thought ofl It would seem, indeed, that nothing but modern skeptical views as to the reality of revelation, the feeling that all this movement to a higher faith was merely natural, and that the hand of God was not in it, could have suggested to the ancient Hebrew writers the wish to hand on the names of those by whom such changes were made. Yahweh spoke at the beginning, Moses mediated between the people and Yahweh, and the law thus mediated was in all forms equally Mosaic, and in all forms equally Divine. [Andrew Harper, Book of Deuteronomy p. 98 - 99]
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