Friday, July 3, 2020

Acts of Timothy Story About John Dates Back to Origen?

A Greek scholion, not certainly from Origen, ascribes to "a written account" the notion that the apostle John, "still alive under Nero, collected the written gospels and approved and recognized those which the plot of the devil had not touched but refused and rejected those which he knew did not contain the truth." [Origen Homilies on Luke 1, GCS 35, pp. 4-6. Perhaps Jerome preferred not to translate this story about John, though it was told by Eusebius, who insisted that it was "true" ( Church History 3. 24.7-8)] I managed to track this down (thanks to a friend who is smarter than me - remember how important it is to make good friends!) It is a little paragraph in Greek both in GCS 35 and in its replacement, GCS 49, which is available on the Internet Archive. of the Greek column on page 5 and top of the Greek column on page 6: . The source seems to be a manuscript called Vindobonensis 301 (Y in the apparatus), dated to century XI, according to the list on page LXVI:

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