Συγκεκραμένα γὰρ τἀληθῆ τοῖς πλάσμασι παραχαράσσεται ὥστε, τοῦτο δὴ τὸ λεγόμενον, καὶ τὸ ἅλας μωρανθῆναι."For the truth is mixed with fictions to the extent that, as the saying goes, even the salt has become tasteless."
Friday, March 22, 2024
The Seventh Sentence of the Letter to Theodore as Transcribed by Agamemnon Tselikas
It conveys the idea that truth is corrupted or diluted when mixed with falsehoods, akin to the saying about salt losing its flavor.
Email stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.