Thursday, May 2, 2024
Tertullian's Borrowing from Irenaeus
Irenaeus Adv Haer 4.6 "Yea, even the demons exclaimed, on beholding the Son: We know You who You are, the Holy One of God. Mark 1:24 And the devil looking at Him, and tempting Him, said: If You are the Son of God; Matthew 4:3; Luke 4:3 — all thus indeed seeing and speaking of the Son and the Father, but all not believing [in them]."
Tertullian Adv Marc 5.6
But now it is not permissible even for me to interpret the princes of this world as meaning the virtues and powers of the Creator, on the ground that to them the apostle imputes ignorance: while yet according to our gospel even the devil at the temptation knew who Jesus was, and according to the document you share with us the evil spirit knew that he was the holy one of God and was named Jesus and had come to destroy them.
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