Friday, June 12, 2009

Boid on the Significance of the Number 50 in the Torah and Gospel

Fifty days from Passover to Pentecost make up fifty steps taking you to the giving of the Torah. Another fifty steps should take you to the Second Torah. One step short and you haven’t reached the Second Torah. The first Torah was given on the fiftieth day. The number a hundred, which is twice fifty, signifies the giving of the Second Torah and signifies the Second Torah itself. Now look for a word with a value of a hundred that fits here, WITHOUT FORCING THE MEANING.

Note the statement in the Torah that the Israelites came out of Egypt by fifties (h.amishim) and note the midrashic interpretation that they were armed (h.amushim). The Samaritans massacred by Pontius Pilate were armed because they were re-enacting the Exodus in expectation of the coming of the Second Torah on the fiftieth day, not necessarily this time, but at the divinely chosen time. Jewish and I think Samaritan tradition says that it was upon the giving of the Torah that Moses became King. On the second fiftieth day or the second Pentecost the Second Moses would become King. (The weapons might well have been for defence as well). Thus the aggrieved tone of the complaint by the Samaritan Boulê that the weapons were only for defence against what might happen. They couldn’t explain plainly. Someone must have told Pilate what the weapons signified.

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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