Friday, June 12, 2009

On Christian Kabbala

I wrote:

Another thing. You know how the gnostics (cf the Gospel of Truth as
well as Irenaeus etc.) are always saying that the lost sheep who left
the ninety nine represents repentance because when it is "restored" it
goes from left to right hand to make "one hundred" - I think they
represent the original tradition. Because yamin "right hand" has a
numerological value of 100 y + m + n.
Also am I crazy to think that "zeuro" i.e. "the least" "little one" is
etymologically related to the Arabic word from which we get "zero"?

On the "right hand" as part of the parable:

He is the shepherd who left behind the ninety-nine sheep which had not
strayed and went in search of that one which was lost. He rejoiced when
he had found it. For ninety-nine is a number of the left hand, which
holds it. The moment he finds the one, however, the whole number is
transferred to the right hand. Thus it is with him who lacks the one,
that is, the entire right hand which attracts that in which it is
deficient, seizes it from the left side and transfers it to the right.
In this way, then, the number becomes one hundred. This number
signifies the Father.

Boid wrote back:

You're probably right about the etymology of the word "zero". I'll look it
up later on. The Arabic word for "little" is in fact related to the
corresponding Hebrew and Aramaic words. Remember there are TWO forms of the
root in Hebrew. As well as the common one with TSADE at the start
(TSADE-'AYIN-RESH), there is another with ZAYIN at the start, as in Aramaic.

The numerical value of "yamin" is 110 (10+40+10+50). This is the no. of
years of the life of Joshua. The numerical value of the root is 100
(10+40+50). The difficulty is to find a noun or adjective from this root
with no added letters. There must have been a word with a numerical value of
100 that was used, but it's hidden carefully. The answer must be a word in
the parable or in the explanation of it.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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