20. Irenaeus writes that the Marcosians hold that
"before Jesus the Son [appeared], mankind were involved in great ignorance and error. But when this name of six letters was manifested (the person bearing it clothing Himself in flesh, that He might come under the apprehension of man's senses, and having in Himself these six and twenty-four letters), then, becoming acquainted with Him, they ceased from their ignorance, and passed from death unto life, this name serving as their guide to the Father of truth. For the Father of all had resolved to put an end to ignorance, and to destroy death. But this abolishing of ignorance was just the knowledge of Him. And therefore that man (Anthropos) was chosen according to His will, having been formed after the image of the [corresponding] power above." [AH i.15.2]
Clement of Alexandria writes
"wherefore the greatest and chiefest point of the instructions which relate to life must be implanted in the soul from the beginning, -- to know the eternal God, the giver of what is eternal, and by knowledge and comprehension to possess God, who is first, and highest, and one, and good. For this is the immutable and immoveable source and support of life, the knowledge of God, who really is, and who bestows the things which really are, that is, those which are eternal, from whom both being and the continuance of it are derived to other beings. For ignorance of Him is death; but the knowledge and appropriation of Him, and love and likeness to Him, are the only life." [Can the Rich Man be Saved 7]
If you want to know the Jewish messianic truths behind Christianity buy my book, the Real Messiah here
stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.