Thursday, June 23, 2011

Comparison Guide Between Mar Saba 65 and the Callinicus Collection at the Greek Library Website (Folio 2)

Folio 2 = [Καλλίνικου Πατριάρχου τα εν εξορία γραφέντα] 389 - 390 (consistent use of single stroke lambdas), [change of style 413 (bottom) - 417 (top), 420 - 423 (top), 431 - 444 (look at the transition back to the old handwriting style - it's like the metamorphosis of a werewolf), 449 - 460 (notice the signature is different than Smith's book and other places - one part of Callinicus's name is present), 418 (bottom), 484 (Callinicus gets new ink)], 486 (familiar signature), familiar Callinicus stylized tau starts page 478 and 579, [sudden change of style 641 - 660], signature 655, signature 683, [handwriting change 689 - 693], notice use of nomen sacrum in this section, biblion on 704, signature 705, 717 - 718]

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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