Saturday, May 29, 2021

Absolute Certainty About the Lorcan Background of Diego de Leyva

NOMBRE PROCEDENCIA FUENTE Francisco Cerrado España OVIEDO , pp.115 , 116 ; y Juicios de Residencia ... p.463 . España OVIEDO , pp.115 , 116 . Juan de Cisneros ( 27 años de edad ) Cristóbal de la Cruz España Florencia Galeote Chey ( Galeotto de ... Sebastián González de Arévalo España * Repartimiento de los naturales por Juan de Villegas ” ... Alemania ? “ Repartimiento de los naturales por Juan de Villegas ” , cit . , fol . 12vo . NOMBRE PROCEDENCIA FUENTE España Pedro Hernández de Venea ( 29 años de edad ) “ Repartimiento de los naturales por Juan de Villegas ” , cit . , fol . 8vo y OVIEDO , pp . 115 - 116 . Tomé de Ledesma ( 18 años de edad ) Málaga OVIEDO , pp . 115 - 116 ; y BRICEÑO PEROZO , Mario , Temas de historia colonial . . . , T . II , pp . 686 , 689   Diego de Leiva ( Capitán , 29 años de edad ) Lorca . España OVIEDO , pp . 115 , 116 ; y Juicios de Residencia Los Welser , T . I , p . 512 Franz Lebzelter ( 30 años de edad ) Ulm . Alemania  Juicios de Residencia ... Los Welser , T.I , p.507 . Francisco de Villegas ( 35 años de edad ) Palencia OVIEDO , pp . 115 , 116 ; y “ Repartimiento de los naturales por Juan de Villegas ” , cit . , fol . 5 . Segovia NECTARIO MARIA [source]

A juicio de residencia (literally, judgment of residence) was a judicial procedure of Castilian law and the Laws of the Indies. It consisted of this: at the termination of a public functionary's term, his performance in office was subject to review, and those with grievances against him were entitled to a hearing. This was largely an automatic procedure, and did not imply prior suspicion of misconduct. The official was not allowed to leave the place where he exercised his authority, nor to assume another office, until the conclusion of this judicial inquiry. Generally, the person charged with directing the inquiry, called the juez de residencia (residence judge), was that individual already named to succeed to the position. The penalties for conviction varied, but generally consisted of fines.

AÑO ENCOMENDERO LUGAR N° INDIOS FUENTE ENCOMENDERO ANTERIOR Gregorio García. 1566 Luis de Mesa 1566 NICO Nicolás Carrera ( Casado con “ Doña Luisa . . . ” ) Bartolomé Fernández ( casado ) Diego de Leiva “ Juicio de Residencia a Alonso Bernáldez , 1566 " , fol . 812 , 813 vo , 818 . “ Juicio de Residencia al Gobernador Don Pedro Ponce de León . " , fol . 27 vo . “ Juicio de Residencia a Alonso Bernáldez , 1566 " , fols . 818 , 818 vo . 1566 Francisco López de Triana ( Casado con Catalina Vásquez de Pantigoso ) Francisco Pacheco ( Casado con Doña Beatriz Osorio de Losada ) Pedro Gutiérrez “ Juicio de Residencia al Gobernador D. Pedro Ponce de León . ” , fol.27 . [same source]

We can figure out something about Diego de Leiva from this information.  If he was 29 when this background check was made, we know he traveled with Germans.   The German beside him in the list - Franz Lebzelter - is known to have sailed to Venezuela in 1935:

The next important expedition to leave Europe was under the command of George Hohemuth von Speir , which left Spain on October 18 , 1534 , and arrived at Coro , February 5 , 1535.  This party consisted of over 600 adventurers . Among the officers were Philip von Hutten , a nobleman from Birkenfeld ; Hieronymus Köller from Nürnberg ; Majordomus Andreas Gundelfinger , Paymaster Franz Lebzelter  from Ulm ; Nicolaus Federmann and Hans Vohlin from Augsburg, the last a nephew of the Welsers. [source]

The virulently racist publication here - of the Pennsylvania German society - doesn't even list the non-German passengers.  We know there were Spanish passengers and we know Diego de Leyva came with Germans and these Germans in particular.  So he was likely born in 1506 in Lorca. 

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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